- данный
The reaction in question (or under discussion, or under review, or of interest) is stoichiometric.
•In the range covered the curves are in good agreement with experiment.
•Figure 3 shows the result of raising the temperature on a given column.
•For a given forward resistance, silicon diodes have greater capacitance than germanium ones.
•This method is well suited for the purpose in (or at) hand.
•This quantity can be obtained from the phase diagram of the system involved (or in question, or of interest).
•The maximum rate of change of a particular characteristic of the orbit ...
•This term is used to indicate that the material referred to consists of thin, separable lamellae or leaves.
•In the specific case of 25-percent dehydration ...
•Response to a specified output is of prime importance.
* * *Данный -- a given (тот или иной); the involved, the present, the subject, the current, at hand (настоящий, рассматриваемый)To account for metallurgical changes occurring in a given temperature range, S. suggests that the form for the modification term is exp [k(T -- T1)2].Because efficiency is very important for the application involved, a design change was considered.The present experimental method has several advantages.Maximum mechanical constraint conditions were not attained with the subject specimens.Strictly speaking, these do not apply to the problem at hand.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика. 2013.